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Master Key vs. Restricted Key System Differences

July 31, 2020

For residential buildings, each room of a unit can only be accessed by the unit owners and occupants. Public spaces like the swimming pool area and gym, alternatively, can be freely accessed by the people inside the said building.

Commercial buildings also have areas that are accessible by both employees and employers. Some of these areas include the common workstation, pantry, restrooms, and many more. But some rooms are strictly intended for specific departments and set of people. Security rooms can only be accessed by security personnel. Rooms for storing products can only be accessed by certain people.

Having an individual key for each room might be the most secure way of accessing them, but the practicality of the said method can be intriguing. Fortunately, there are two key systems that building owners can use to secure their properties.

Master Key System

A master key system can limit the people who can access certain rooms and areas of the building. The master key of this system can lock and unlock all the doors within this security system. The additional keys, which are known as change keys, can be only used in specific areas of the building. The use of a master key system in a building can effectively minimise the number of keys a person must carry. 

Master key systems allow two or more keys just to open one lock. So, if a building has a lot of residents, they would be all given a change key that can access all the public areas in the building. A separate change key is then given to building personnel for them to access rooms that are within the scope of their responsibility. Building owners are the only ones who have the master key that can open all doors and lock types. This system can be convenient during emergencies and other security-related issues.

Restricted Key System

A restricted key system, on the other hand, is a bit more complicated. While the master key system can be done and fixed by numerous professional locksmiths, the restricted key system must only be repaired and maintained by the locksmiths who created them. Even the process of duplicating keys must only be done by the master locksmith. 

The way keys are distributed within the restricted key systems works like a master key system. However, locks that are designed to be opened by a restricted key will not be opened by a standard key. So, even if your commercial building has a lot of workers and personnel, all the restricted keys that are assigned to them are the only ones they can use in accessing certain rooms and spaces of the building. The unique design of restricted keys also makes it easier to record the respective owners of the distributed keys within the key system. The keys used for this system come from security blanks that can only be accessed and copied by reputable and professional locksmith companies.

Both systems can offer security enhancements over residential and commercial buildings. However, a restricted key system can truly provide your property with excellent security and protection against any unauthorised entries. If you need to have a key system in your property, then give us a call now at Glenferrie Locksmiths. We specialise in helping businesses and residents secure their premises with high-end security systems, providing hi-tech solutions to age-old problems.

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