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The Importance of Access Control Security System for Offices

May 10, 2017

offices access

Offices are more than just a place where work is done, for some people, it is a place that is considered a second home. In fact, for most people who work in offices it is a repository of sensitive and valuable information, and even valuables in the form of money, credit cards, cheques and the like. So, it just make sense that offices should be safe by creating spaces that are not only fully functional, but also exceedingly secure.

Sadly, most conventional security solutions today no longer suffice to guarantee a truly thief-proof or tamper-proof office space. Not only are the methods of theft evolving at an alarming pace, nearly exceeding the same rate as means to prevent it, but newer and more updated technology that promise easier working days and less strenuous hours, are likewise left quite vulnerable to anyone with prying fingers and unrestricted access to office spaces.

In order to combat potential physical theft and data theft, and to prevent the loss of thousands dollars of lost man-hours, a revolutionary security system needed; a security system that guarantees the safety of both physical and digital-based assets. Thankfully, there is such a system – access control security system for offices.

Access Control Security System for Offices

The access control security system for offices is a state-of-the-art security system that combines the best of all proven-and-tested security measures of years past, plus, new and consistently updated solutions that provide top-notch protection against physical theft and data theft.

With a refined and thorough system, it even provides internal accounting solutions that are all but hack-proof, built in attendance biometric recorder that guarantees tamper-proof and accurate results. There is also a master-key that allows everything to be controlled with relative ease – owners and managers have the ability to allow or bar anyone’s entry, at any given time. But there is more, no security system would be complete without a time-lock system that can be installed as an additional precaution against forced entry.

An access control security system can be customised to meet the specific needs and budget limitation, so don’t compromise the safety of your office space by settling for second-rate security solutions, instead, let Glenferrie Locksmiths provide you with the best and most reliable security system to date.

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