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How to Choose the Right Kinds of Lock for Your Home

June 8, 2021

Keeping your house or premises secure is vital in ensuring everything is safe. All your assets and essentials will be safe from burglars and intruders. There are several measures you can take to ensure everything is safe. One of them is incorporating a lock in your entry doors. A lock is a physical security standard for protecting exterior doors. When selecting a  to protect your business, there are several factors that you should consider. Below are tips from a professional locksmith on how to choose a lock.

Check the Best Brand

You should look for the best brand of lock. There are so many companies out there that produce this type of locks, but not all of them bring out what is considered to be of good quality. Some may give intruders an easy time breaking into your premises. Look for some of the top brands in the market. Various sites have listed them. Check the reviews before making your purchase.

Consider the Cost

You also need to consider the price of the lock you want to purchase. Rates usually vary from one type to another. Quality brands are expensive compared to the rest. You should be ready to spend more on the security of your premises. Save some money to get the best locks for your home.

Type of Door

The kind of doors in your home or premises will help you pick the best  lock. Make sure you have stronger doors and also one with the right frames before deciding to buy this type of lock. Having it on a weaker door will be of no good use as intruders will still have an easy time breaking into your premises.

Ensure Good Quality

You should look for a quality type that will give them a difficult time trying to gain access to your home. The  lock is one of the best to buy. It is a type of lock that is opened using a key and a lock. This type of clock cannot be damaged easily or opened by force.

Identify Lock Type

Locks come in both double and single cylinder models. A double cylinder  requires a key to operate the  from either side of the door. A single cylinder  can be locked or unlocked from inside by a thumb turn. Conventional security wisdom has dictated that double cylinder s be used on doors with windows. This eliminates the danger of someone breaking the glass and reaching inside to unlock your door. However, there are a few reasons to re-think this approach and use a single cylinder  in most applications.

The first reason is a concern for life safety. A double cylinder  may prevent you from exiting quickly in case of emergency. You don't want to be fumbling for a key when your building is burning. Some manufacturers do make a "captive thumb turn" key - basically, a removable thumb turn that transforms the lock from a single to a double cylinder. But the fact that the thumb-turn can be removed means that it may not be handy when you need it.

The second reason to reconsider this policy is the strength of modern windows. Back when single-pane glass was the norm, the single cylinder  was a bigger risk. The glass on the majority of newer doors is nowhere near as flimsy. Check out Glenferrie Locksmiths. We specialise in helping businesses and residents secure their premises with high-end security systems, providing hi-tech solutions to age old problems.

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